About the Guide This guide covers how to make it easier for others to use your software and how to build on the software that others have written. Today, science involves software. And although many scientists understand that their work …Continue Copyright Guide for Scientific Software→
Scope: The Software Preservation Network endeavors to ensure that cultural memory institutions and related entities can exercise broad and clear legal rights to engage in software preservation (including providing access for research, teaching, and learning). We do this in two …Continue Law & Policy Working Group Scope and Action Plan→
Scope: The Training & Education Committee develops resources and hosts outreach activities that raise awareness and broaden participation in software preservation. Training & Education plays an important translation role — sharing the findings and deliverables of SPN working groups and …Continue Training & Education Working Group Scope and Action Plan→
Scope: In support of the Software Preservation Network’s (SPN) mission to preserve software through community engagement, infrastructure support, and knowledge generation, the Research Working Group facilitates research projects that bring individuals and organizations with diverse perspectives and interests together to …Continue Research-in-Practice Working Group Scope and Action Plan→
Scope: The Technical Infrastructure Working Group is responsible for understanding, comparing and articulating the infrastructural implications of different software preservation and access approaches. This charge may include specifications for computing configurations needed to run common packages used in the preservation …Continue Technological Infrastructure Working Group Scope and Action Plan→
Scope: The Metadata Standards and Policies working group is responsible for developing, promoting and advocating for common metadata frameworks and related metadata standards, vocabularies, and ontologies that support software preservation and access. This working group will collect and analyze existing …Continue Metadata Working Group Scope and Action Plan→
Goals The Software Preservation Network endeavors to ensure that cultural memory institutions and related entities can exercise broad and clear legal rights to engage in software preservation (including providing access for research, teaching, and learning). We do this in two …Continue SPN Law & Policy Agenda→
Summary: This webinar, the last in the EaaSI Webinar Series, is entitled “Emulators and Configuration Workflows” and addresses questions such as: What is your previous experience in using emulation software? Were there any emulation programs already incorporated into your institutional workflows? …Continue Emulators and Configuration Workflows→
This webinar, entitled “EaaSI Metadata Model and Wikidata,” addresses questions such as: How does your organization create, manage or discover metadata about software and related resources now? What would you like to be able to do with software metadata? Do …Continue EaaSI Metadata Model and Wikidata→
More conversational, forum-style technical discussion and troubleshooting among the EaaSI network can also be viewed on the EaaSI Tech Talk Google Group.
System requirements and the EaaSI User Handbook will be hosted on GitLab to allow for seamless integration with our development team’s workflows, and easy access for Node Hosts to bug tracking. All publicly-available repositories and code can be seen at …Continue EaaSI GitLab→
Emulation is now a practical strategy for preservation and access of software and digital objects in stewarding research data collections. A growing software preservation community is defining good/best practice and developing open source tools that utilize emulation as a central …Continue Preparation and Process: Software Preservation and Emulation for Research Data→
Our Motley Crew The EaaSI node here at Carnegie Mellon began as a collaboration between two Computer Science Liaison Librarians — Jessica Benner and Huajin Wang–a project archivist with University Archives — Emily Davis — and a computer scientist and …Continue Historical Quasi-Artifacts and Interdepartmental Teams→
Featuring: University of Arizona Software Preservation Campus Interest Group IDCC Software Preservation Track Software Preservation and Emulation for Research Data Curators (Workshop) Sustaining Software Preservation Efforts through Use and Communities of Practice (Paper) Testing the feasibility of emulation as an …Continue Spring 2020 Quarterly Community Forum→
EaaSI Node Leads convened in November 2018 to review the EaaSI beta implementation process, discuss service design for emulation in local organizational contexts, prioritize project activities and review the Participation Agreement drafted in partnership with the Harvard Law School Cyberlaw …Continue In-Person Meeting Exercises→
EaaSI Software Collections Inventory is what is sometimes referred to as a Random (or spot) inventory. Random (or spot) inventories are extremely limited in scope. They are primarily used to verify the location of a representative sampling of objects. They …Continue Software Collections Inventory→
EaaSI Scenarios for Use & Access asks each Node Host to brainstorm scenarios for use and access they believe will drive the adoption of EaaSI; identify users whose use cases they believe may correspond with the scenarios for use and …Continue Scenarios for (Re)Use & Access→