Monthly Archives: December 2019

Winter 2019 Quarterly Community Forum

Featuring: Software Heritage Acquisition Process (based on work with the University of Pisa) “Experimental Archaeology of CAD” – Legacy Software and Emulation in the Classroom Silicon Valley Archives GitHub Arctic Archive Review notes for the Winter 2019 QCF  

Forums, Resources

Jessica Meyerson

As SPN’s Interim Community Facilitator, Jessica Meyerson works closely with the SPN Coordinating Committee to ensure that our work adheres to core principles of transparency, responsiveness, and engagement.

Bios, Staff, ,

Brandon Butler

As SPN Law & Policy Advisor, Brandon Butler oversees SPN’s policy agenda and legal strategy for securing lawful preservation, sharing and reuse of software. Components of this work may include developing SPN policy briefs; representing SPN in future DMCA exemption …Continue Brandon Butler

Bios, Staff,

EaaSI Update October-November 2019

The Future of EaaSI October 3, 2020 marked the first time every member of the EaaSI team was gathered in the same place. Team members came to New Haven came from Germany, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin to present the achievements …Continue EaaSI Update October-November 2019

News, Project Updates

FCoP Update October-November 2019

FCoP Reflections Blog Post Series: Continuing our FCoP Reflections Blog Post Series, we are happy to share posts from Georgia Tech and University of Illinois: Wendy Hagenmaier of Georgia Tech writes about skunkworks in the library, building bridges between data …Continue FCoP Update October-November 2019

News, Project Updates

Stacktrace: Volume 2, Issue 6 (Oct 2019 – Nov 2019)

The latest issue of SPN’s newsletter, Stacktrace, is now available! It includes: SPN Wins NDSA Innovation Award Upcoming Software Preservation Quarterly Community Forum and Law & Policy Chat Updates from SPN affiliated projects (EaaSI and FCoP) Read the full issue …Continue Stacktrace: Volume 2, Issue 6 (Oct 2019 – Nov 2019)


FCoP 2019 Cohort Reflections: University of Arizona

As the project lead for the University of Arizona FCoP project team, I’ve realized that preserving and providing access to software is a lot like a jigsaw puzzle for three reasons: 1) it takes (a lot of) time to put …Continue FCoP 2019 Cohort Reflections: University of Arizona

Cohort Reflections, FCoP, News,

Soup to Nuts: Simulating Software

The purpose of the Soup to Nuts exercise is to revisit your Software & Collection Inventory and Scenarios for Use & Access to determine if those software cases/examples are still the cases/examples that you want to configure and test in …Continue Soup to Nuts: Simulating Software

Resources, Templates