University of Illinois Addendum To Deed of Gift

Addendum to the deed of gift for electronic records. This document is intended to further disclose issues which a donor may not have with regard to donating their collections and prompting for an explicit permission\denial in undertaking digital curation work. …Continue University of Illinois Addendum To Deed of Gift

Curator Documentation, FCoP, Resources,

University of Illinois Donor Guidelines

This document discloses key points to donors as they consider donating their digital materials. Intended to provide transparency and aid in informed consent of content donation, it should be part of a pre-acquisition workflow.

Curator Documentation, FCoP, Resources,

University of Illinois Pre-Accession Preservation Appraisal Report

This document provides information on how content and media that a curator is interested in acquiring may be evaluated for preservation concerns. Includes assessing for file format challenges and software preservation and emulation concerns.

Curator Documentation, FCoP, Resources,

Using EaaSI at University of Illinois: Local Supplement

This document provides additional local information on the use of EaaSI at the University of Illinois libraries.

Curator Documentation, FCoP, Resources,

Use of EaaSI at University of Illinois Libraries

This informational document provides a brief overview of emulation, past and present forays into its use and general approach to future use of emulation at the University of Illinois libraries.

Curator Documentation, FCoP, Resources,
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