SPN and Library Copyright Alliance Petition for Updated DMCA Rules to Expand Access to Preserved Software
The Software Preservation Network ended 2023 with a bang, filing its first set of arguments in the latest cycle of the triennial DMCA rulemaking. We were represented by our attorneys at the Harvard Cyberlaw Clinic, and joined in the filing …Continue SPN and Library Copyright Alliance Petition for Updated DMCA Rules to Expand Access to Preserved Software
Briefs/Filings, Featured News, Law Posts, News
Amicus Brief in Green v. Department of Justice
SPN joined an amicus brief in Green v. DOJ, a lawsuit brought by the online civil rights group Electronic Frontier Foundation against the US government challenging key parts of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. The suit argues that the Act’s …Continue Amicus Brief in Green v. Department of Justice
Briefs/Filings, Featured News, Law Posts, News
SPN Supports Proposed Changes to Access to Electronic Works
The Software Preservation Network has submitted comments to the US Copyright Office in support of proposed changes to access to electronic works. You can read more about these proposed changes in this blog post by Lila Bailey (Internet Archive) and …Continue SPN Supports Proposed Changes to Access to Electronic Works
Briefs/Filings, Featured News, Law Posts, News
Letter to WIPO SCCR Delegates re pending copyright matters
SPN has joined the Access to Knowledge Coalition (A2K), which represents educators, researchers, students, libraries, archives, museums, other knowledge users, and creative communities around the globe, to urge the 44th session of WIPO’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights …Continue Letter to WIPO SCCR Delegates re pending copyright matters
Briefs/Filings, Law Posts, News
Unacceptable Loss: Video Game Preservation in Libraries and Archives
Join Phil Salvador (Video Game History Foundation), Laine Nooney (NYU and Unboxing Pod) and Meredith Rose (Public Knowledge) to discuss the new report “Survey of the Video Game Reissue Market in the United States” on Tuesday, September 26th at …Continue Unacceptable Loss: Video Game Preservation in Libraries and Archives
Home, Presentations, Resources, Webinars
SPN Joins Library Futures, Everylibrary Institute, ALA, ACRL, and ARL in Filing Amicus Brief in Warhol Fair Use Case
In a closely-watched case involving artist Andy Warhol, the Supreme Court’s opinion refined its fair use approach, emphasizing the importance of using existing works for a new purpose. SPN joined an amicus brief to explain the value of fair use …Continue SPN Joins Library Futures, Everylibrary Institute, ALA, ACRL, and ARL in Filing Amicus Brief in Warhol Fair Use Case
Briefs/Filings, Law Posts, News
Survey of the Video Game Reissue Market in the United States
About the Survey Video games are part of our cultural history. But while the video game industry and cultural heritage institutions agree that video games should be preserved for both entertainment and study, there is disagreement about whether the commercial …Continue Survey of the Video Game Reissue Market in the United States
Guides, Resources
EaaSI Training Module #8: Beyond the PC – Emulating Closed Systems
Intro to Beyond the PC – Emulating Closed Systems: During this module, participants will learn about: What is a “closed system”, and how does it differ from an “open system”? What’s a “ROM” file? What factors limit the capabilities of …Continue EaaSI Training Module #8: Beyond the PC – Emulating Closed Systems
Webinar: Copyright Guides for Software Preservation, 2022
The Law & Policy Working Group created two new resources for the SPN community in summer 2022, Section 108 and Software Collections: A User’s Guide and Section 30.1 and Software Collections: A User’s Guide. These guides explain how to provide …Continue Webinar: Copyright Guides for Software Preservation, 2022
Supporting Software Preservation Services in Research and Memory Organizations
Abstract Supporting Software Preservation Services in Research and Memory Organizations identifies concepts, skill sets, barriers, and future directions related to software preservation work. Although definitions of “software” can vary across preservation contexts, the study found that there appears to be …Continue Supporting Software Preservation Services in Research and Memory Organizations
Reports, Resources
Fall 2022 Community Forum
Building a Video Game Collection: Community Q&A The Software Preservation Network is building momentum in solidarity with several organizations and communities to win an improved exemption in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act for video games. Such an exemption would enable …Continue Fall 2022 Community Forum
Forums, Resources
Section 108 and Software Collections: A User’s Guide
Abstract This user’s guide explains Section 108 of the U.S. Copyright Act in the context of software collections in libraries and archives. Like fair use, Section 108 of the U.S. Copyright Act provides important rights for libraries and archives engaged in …Continue Section 108 and Software Collections: A User’s Guide
Reports, Resources
Section 30.1 and Software Collections: A Users Guide
Abstract Like fair dealing (Section 29), Section 30.1 of the Copyright Act, known as the “Management and maintenance of collection” exception, places certain software preservation activities by libraries, archives, and museums (LAMs) outside the scope of copyright. Section 30.1 is …Continue Section 30.1 and Software Collections: A Users Guide
Reports, Resources
EaaSI Training Module #7: Implementing Metadata Standards
Intro to Implementing Metadata Standards: During this module, participants will learn about: What kind of metadata does EaaSI (the program of work) gather? What metadata has been directly incorporated into the EaaSI platform? Which standards are influencing EaaSI system design? …Continue EaaSI Training Module #7: Implementing Metadata Standards
Summer 2022 Community Forum
Building a Video Game Collection: Legal Considerations for Preservation The Software Preservation Network is building momentum in solidarity with several organizations and communities to win an improved exemption in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act for video games. Such an exemption …Continue Summer 2022 Community Forum
Forums, Resources
EaaSI Training Module #6: Building an EaaSI Network
Intro to Building an EaaSI Network: During this module, participants will learn about: What are EaaSI “nodes” and how do they communicate with each other? What is OAI-PMH? What happens when I “publish” an EaaSI resource? Questions for Discussion/Reflection In …Continue EaaSI Training Module #6: Building an EaaSI Network
Comments of the Software Preservation Network in re Small Claims Procedures for Library and Archives Opt-Outs and Class Actions
Comments of the Software Preservation Network in re Small Claims Procedures for Library and Archives Opt-Outs and Class Actions (1) October 4, 2021 Thank you for this opportunity to comment on the proposed regulations implementing 17 U.S.C. 1506(aa)(1), which directs …Continue Comments of the Software Preservation Network in re Small Claims Procedures for Library and Archives Opt-Outs and Class Actions
Briefs/Filings, Law Posts, News, Resources
SPN Amicus Brief Defends Fair Use in Apple v. Corellium case
On Wednesday, February 16, the Software Preservation Network filed an amicus brief in Apple v. Corellium, a pivotal copyright lawsuit currently on appeal in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta. Joining SPN on the brief were the Library …Continue SPN Amicus Brief Defends Fair Use in Apple v. Corellium case
Briefs/Filings, Law Posts, News, Reports, Resources
Software Metadata Recommended Format Guide (SMRF)
Abstract The Software Metadata Recommended Format Guide (SMRF) summarizes and defines the metadata elements recommended by the Software Preservation Network to describe software materials in the context of a wide range of collections. It aims to be adaptable, so that …Continue Software Metadata Recommended Format Guide (SMRF)
Reports, Resources
EaaSI Training Module #5: Disk Images
Intro to Disk Images: During this module, participants will learn about: What is a disk image? How do disk images relate to Software, Content, and Environment resources in EaaSI? What is the advantage of copy-on-write disk images? Questions for Discussion/Reflection …Continue EaaSI Training Module #5: Disk Images