New Publication Release: Software Metadata Recommended Format (SMRF) Guide, Version 1.1.0

The Metadata Working Group is pleased to release a revised draft of the Software Metadata Recommended Format (SMRF) Guide: SMRF version 1.1.0. This revision represents an updated approach to SMRF’s adaptable framework, which is used to describe a range of software …Continue New Publication Release: Software Metadata Recommended Format (SMRF) Guide, Version 1.1.0

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EaaSI Training Module #8: Beyond the PC – Emulating Closed Systems

Intro to Beyond the PC – Emulating Closed Systems: During this module, participants will learn about: What is a “closed system”, and how does it differ from an “open system”? What’s a “ROM” file? What factors limit the capabilities of …Continue EaaSI Training Module #8: Beyond the PC – Emulating Closed Systems

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EaaSI Training Module #7: Implementing Metadata Standards

Intro to Implementing Metadata Standards: During this module, participants will learn about: What kind of metadata does EaaSI (the program of work) gather? What metadata has been directly incorporated into the EaaSI platform? Which standards are influencing EaaSI system design? …Continue EaaSI Training Module #7: Implementing Metadata Standards

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EaaSI Training Module #6: Building an EaaSI Network

Intro to Building an EaaSI Network: During this module, participants will learn about: What are EaaSI “nodes” and how do they communicate with each other? What is OAI-PMH? What happens when I “publish” an EaaSI resource? Questions for Discussion/Reflection In …Continue EaaSI Training Module #6: Building an EaaSI Network

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Software Metadata Recommended Format Guide (SMRF)

Abstract The Software Metadata Recommended Format Guide (SMRF) summarizes and defines the metadata elements recommended by the Software Preservation Network to describe software materials in the context of a wide range of collections. It aims to be adaptable, so that …Continue Software Metadata Recommended Format Guide (SMRF)

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EaaSI Training Module #5: Disk Images

Intro to Disk Images: During this module, participants will learn about: What is a disk image? How do disk images relate to Software, Content, and Environment resources in EaaSI? What is the advantage of copy-on-write disk images? Questions for Discussion/Reflection …Continue EaaSI Training Module #5: Disk Images

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EaaSI Training Module #4: Emulation, Virtualization, Containerization

Intro to Emulation, Virtualization, Containerization: During this module, participants will learn about: What is the difference between emulation, virtualization, and containerization? Why does the difference matter for long-term preservation? How, why, and when does the EaaSI platform make use of …Continue EaaSI Training Module #4: Emulation, Virtualization, Containerization

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EaaSI Training Module #3: EaaS|EaaSI Stack

Intro to the EaaS|EaaS Software Stack: During this module, participants will learn about: What are the essential components of the Emulation-as-a-Service (EaaS) stack? How does the EaaSI platform build on EaaS? Where are EaaSI resources (Environments, Software, Content) stored relative …Continue EaaSI Training Module #3: EaaS|EaaSI Stack

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EaaSI Training Module #2: Software and Content

Intro to Software and Content Resources: During this module, participants will learn: What is the difference between Software and Content resources? How (and why) does the EaaSI platform treat them differently? Questions for Discussion/Reflection Pick a file in your Downloads …Continue EaaSI Training Module #2: Software and Content

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EaaSI Training Module #1: Emulation Environments

Intro to Emulation Environments During this module, participants will learn about: Why does the EaaSI team refer to emulation and computing “environments”? What is an EaaSI “Environment” resource? What sort of details do we need to describe and maintain environments? …Continue EaaSI Training Module #1: Emulation Environments

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