Congratulations to New and Returning SPN Coordinating Committee Members for 2024!

We are so pleased to announce the results of the ballot to confirm SPN’s Coordinating Committee for 2024! Please extend a warm welcome to SPN’s 2024-2025 Coordinating Committee members: Eric Kaltman (2024 – 2026) Lorena Ramírez-López (2024 – 2026) Scott …Continue Congratulations to New and Returning SPN Coordinating Committee Members for 2024!


Software Preservation Network 2024 Coordinating Committee Nominations

SPN and the Coordinating Committee The Software Preservation Network launched as a sustained member-funded organization in 2021, after building as a volunteer network since 2017 and accelerating our instantiation through a seed-funded period in 2019-2020. The Coordinating Committee is the …Continue Software Preservation Network 2024 Coordinating Committee Nominations


SPN and Library Copyright Alliance Petition for Updated DMCA Rules to Expand Access to Preserved Software

The Software Preservation Network ended 2023 with a bang, filing its first set of arguments in the latest cycle of the triennial DMCA rulemaking. We were represented by our attorneys at the Harvard Cyberlaw Clinic, and joined in the filing …Continue SPN and Library Copyright Alliance Petition for Updated DMCA Rules to Expand Access to Preserved Software

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Software Preservation Network 2024-2026 Goals

The Software Preservation Network (SPN) Coordinating Committee and Working Group Coordinators are excited to share the following 2024-2026 goals, which were created through an iterative prioritization and community feedback process during 2023. The Software Preservation Network is a coordinated, distributed …Continue Software Preservation Network 2024-2026 Goals

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Amicus Brief in Green v. Department of Justice

SPN joined an amicus brief in Green v. DOJ, a lawsuit brought by the online civil rights group Electronic Frontier Foundation against the US government challenging key parts of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. The suit argues that the Act’s …Continue Amicus Brief in Green v. Department of Justice

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SPN Supports Proposed Changes to Access to Electronic Works

The Software Preservation Network has submitted comments to the US Copyright Office in support of proposed changes to access to electronic works. You can read more about these proposed changes in this blog post by Lila Bailey (Internet Archive) and …Continue SPN Supports Proposed Changes to Access to Electronic Works

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New Publication Release: Software Metadata Recommended Format (SMRF) Guide, Version 1.1.0

The Metadata Working Group is pleased to release a revised draft of the Software Metadata Recommended Format (SMRF) Guide: SMRF version 1.1.0. This revision represents an updated approach to SMRF’s adaptable framework, which is used to describe a range of software …Continue New Publication Release: Software Metadata Recommended Format (SMRF) Guide, Version 1.1.0

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Letter to WIPO SCCR Delegates re pending copyright matters

SPN has joined the Access to Knowledge Coalition (A2K), which represents educators, researchers, students, libraries, archives, museums, other knowledge users, and creative communities around the globe, to urge the 44th session of WIPO’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights …Continue Letter to WIPO SCCR Delegates re pending copyright matters

Briefs/Filings, Law Posts, News, , ,

SPN Joins Library Futures, Everylibrary Institute, ALA, ACRL, and ARL in Filing Amicus Brief in Warhol Fair Use Case

In a closely-watched case involving artist Andy Warhol, the Supreme Court’s opinion refined its fair use approach, emphasizing the importance of using existing works for a new purpose. SPN joined an amicus brief to explain the value of fair use …Continue SPN Joins Library Futures, Everylibrary Institute, ALA, ACRL, and ARL in Filing Amicus Brief in Warhol Fair Use Case

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SPN Coordinating Committee Goals through February 2024 and Recap of 2022 Activities

Greetings, SPN Community! The Software Preservation Network Coordinating Committee is excited to share an update about our current goals and a recap of our 2022 work. The SPN Coordinating Committee meets monthly to: review and approve annual organizational goals and …Continue SPN Coordinating Committee Goals through February 2024 and Recap of 2022 Activities


Video Game History Foundation and SPN release Survey of the Video Game Reissue Market in the United States

In partnership with the Video Game History Foundation, the Software Preservation Network is excited to share the first ever survey of the commercial availability of classic video games. Video games are part of our cultural history. But while the video …Continue Video Game History Foundation and SPN release Survey of the Video Game Reissue Market in the United States

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Join a Software Preservation Network Working Group!

It’s that time of year again! The Software Preservation Network (SPN) is looking for new members to join our working groups. Membership is open to anyone from a member organization with an interest in the working group’s goals. Folks interested …Continue Join a Software Preservation Network Working Group!

Events, News

SPN Joins Access to Knowledge Coalition Letter Supporting More Balanced Global Copyright System

Endorsed/Submitted/Signed February 1, 2023 The Software Preservation Network joined allies from the global Access to Knowledge Coalition in a letter stating our views on the agenda of the 43rd meeting of the World Intellectual Property Organization’s Standing Committee on Copyright …Continue SPN Joins Access to Knowledge Coalition Letter Supporting More Balanced Global Copyright System

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Congratulations to New and Returning SPN Coordinating Committee Members for 2023!

We are so pleased to announce the results of the ballot to confirm SPN’s Coordinating Committee for 2023! Please extend a warm welcome to SPN’s 2023-2024 Coordinating Committee members: Dianne Dietrich (2022-2024) Claire Fox (2023-2025) Stan Gunn (2022-2024) Wendy Hagenmaier …Continue Congratulations to New and Returning SPN Coordinating Committee Members for 2023!


Software Preservation Network 2023 Coordinating Committee Nominations

Software Preservation Network members will vote to fill open seats on our Coordinating Committee in 2023. Read more about these incredible software preservation practitioners, researchers, advocates, and all-around leaders below!   SPN and the Coordinating Committee The Software Preservation Network …Continue Software Preservation Network 2023 Coordinating Committee Nominations


Comments of the Software Preservation Network in re Small Claims Procedures for Library and Archives Opt-Outs and Class Actions

Comments of the Software Preservation Network in re Small Claims Procedures for Library and Archives Opt-Outs and Class Actions (1) October 4, 2021 Thank you for this opportunity to comment on the proposed regulations implementing 17 U.S.C. 1506(aa)(1), which directs …Continue Comments of the Software Preservation Network in re Small Claims Procedures for Library and Archives Opt-Outs and Class Actions

Briefs/Filings, Law Posts, News, Resources

Software Preservation Network 2022 Coordinating Committee Nominations

Software Preservation Network members will vote to fill open seats on our Coordinating Committee in 2022. Read more about these incredible software preservation practitioners, researchers, advocates, and all-around leaders below!   More about SPN and the Coordinating Committee The Software …Continue Software Preservation Network 2022 Coordinating Committee Nominations


SPN Amicus Brief Defends Fair Use in Apple v. Corellium case

On Wednesday, February 16, the Software Preservation Network filed an amicus brief in Apple v. Corellium, a pivotal copyright lawsuit currently on appeal in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta. Joining SPN on the brief were the Library …Continue SPN Amicus Brief Defends Fair Use in Apple v. Corellium case

Briefs/Filings, Law Posts, News, Reports, Resources,

Nominate Yourself or a Colleague for the 2022-2023 Software Preservation Network Coordinating Committee

All Software Preservation Network sustaining members and active volunteers are invited to consider nominating yourself or one of your fellow community members for SPN’s core governance body, the Coordinating Committee. The nomination form is available here and we are asking …Continue Nominate Yourself or a Colleague for the 2022-2023 Software Preservation Network Coordinating Committee


EaaSI Software Development: Considerations, Priorities, and Commitments

What are the guiding considerations for EaaSI development? EaaSI is a management system for emulated computer environments, software, and content, enabling users to create, discover, administer, and share these resources for access and reuse. Our development priorities are informed by …Continue EaaSI Software Development: Considerations, Priorities, and Commitments

News, Project Updates
© 2024 Software Preservation Network