All Software Preservation Network sustaining members and active volunteers are invited to consider nominating yourself or one of your fellow community members for SPN’s core governance body, the Coordinating Committee. The nomination form is available here and we are asking for nominations until February 4. The 2022 Coordinating Committee will be made up of up to 7 sustaining SPN members and 4 at-large volunteers. Members should plan to serve on the Coordinating Committee for at least a year term.

The Coordinating Committee is responsible for annual review and approval of organizational goals and strategies, providing high-level guidance to the staff on day-to-day operations for the coming year, reviewing and approving budgets developed and proposed by the Executive Committee, and reviewing and setting steps to ensure continuity of SPN activity.

A smaller Executive Committee may be nominated from within the Coordinating Committee to undertake more detailed and often time-sensitive tasks and assignments that address issues related to the budget, membership, and administration of SPN. The Executive Committee will consist of a Coordinator, Co-Coordinator, Secretary, and Treasurer. These positions will be elected by the members of the Coordinating Committee. The Executive Committee meets as needed and provides updates at the Coordinating Committee’s regular meetings.

Who should join

You should nominate yourself for the SPN Coordinating Committee if you’re interested in guiding and overseeing SPN’s strategic direction.

Who is eligible to join the Coordinating Committee:

  • The Coordinating Committee is a large body, including voting members and non-voting ones.
  • The majority of voting committee members are elected by the voting members of SPN from the list of formally designated representatives of “sustaining organization members” (those entities that pay dues to SPN).
  • A smaller proportion of committee members are elected as “at large” members with all registered SPN participants eligible to be nominated.
  • Non-voting members include ex-officio volunteer experts selected by the committee to assist for limited, defined terms on matters for which they can bring special knowledge and experience, especially on topics of strategic importance.

Meeting Frequency

3 meetings per calendar year. Executive Committee members may meet more frequently, as often as once a month.

Ready to nominate?

The nomination form is available here and nominations will be accepted until February 4, 2022.

Preferred citation:

Software Preservation Network. (2021, February 16). Software Preservation Network 2021 Coordinating Committee Nominations. Software Preservation Network.