SPN and Library Copyright Alliance Petition for Updated DMCA Rules to Expand Access to Preserved Software

The Software Preservation Network ended 2023 with a bang, filing its first set of arguments in the latest cycle of the triennial DMCA rulemaking. We were represented by our attorneys at the Harvard Cyberlaw Clinic, and joined in the filing …Continue SPN and Library Copyright Alliance Petition for Updated DMCA Rules to Expand Access to Preserved Software

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Amicus Brief in Green v. Department of Justice

SPN joined an amicus brief in Green v. DOJ, a lawsuit brought by the online civil rights group Electronic Frontier Foundation against the US government challenging key parts of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. The suit argues that the Act’s …Continue Amicus Brief in Green v. Department of Justice

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SPN Supports Proposed Changes to Access to Electronic Works

The Software Preservation Network has submitted comments to the US Copyright Office in support of proposed changes to access to electronic works. You can read more about these proposed changes in this blog post by Lila Bailey (Internet Archive) and …Continue SPN Supports Proposed Changes to Access to Electronic Works

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Letter to WIPO SCCR Delegates re pending copyright matters

SPN has joined the Access to Knowledge Coalition (A2K), which represents educators, researchers, students, libraries, archives, museums, other knowledge users, and creative communities around the globe, to urge the 44th session of WIPO’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights …Continue Letter to WIPO SCCR Delegates re pending copyright matters

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SPN Joins Library Futures, Everylibrary Institute, ALA, ACRL, and ARL in Filing Amicus Brief in Warhol Fair Use Case

In a closely-watched case involving artist Andy Warhol, the Supreme Court’s opinion refined its fair use approach, emphasizing the importance of using existing works for a new purpose. SPN joined an amicus brief to explain the value of fair use …Continue SPN Joins Library Futures, Everylibrary Institute, ALA, ACRL, and ARL in Filing Amicus Brief in Warhol Fair Use Case

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Video Game History Foundation and SPN release Survey of the Video Game Reissue Market in the United States

In partnership with the Video Game History Foundation, the Software Preservation Network is excited to share the first ever survey of the commercial availability of classic video games. Video games are part of our cultural history. But while the video …Continue Video Game History Foundation and SPN release Survey of the Video Game Reissue Market in the United States

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SPN Law & Policy Agenda

Goals The Software Preservation Network endeavors to ensure that cultural memory institutions and related entities can exercise broad and clear legal rights to engage in software preservation (including providing access for research, teaching, and learning). We do this in two …Continue SPN Law & Policy Agenda

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