SPN Budgetary Framework

Overview SPN has a flexible budgetary framework developed by the Membership & Executive Subcommittee in conversation with membership during the 2019-2020 seed-funded period. The framework allows us to adjust the level of activities and member services in response to the …Continue SPN Budgetary Framework

Policies, Publications, Resources, ,

SPN Research & Innovation Framework: Fundraising and Project Framework

Version 1 Prepared by the SPN Research and Innovation Subcommittee of the Steering Committee Document Lead: Aaron Choate, last updated May 13, 2020 Assumptions Grants and other fundraising will play a role in providing support for some of the work …Continue SPN Research & Innovation Framework: Fundraising and Project Framework

Policies, Publications, Resources,

SPN Research & Innovation Framework: Research and Innovation Continuum

Version 1 Prepared by the SPN Research and Innovation Subcommittee of the Steering Committee Document Lead: Nance McGovern, last updated May 13, 2020 Purpose The SPN Research and Innovation Continuum is intended to raise awareness and build understanding about the …Continue SPN Research & Innovation Framework: Research and Innovation Continuum

Policies, Publications, Resources,

SPN Research & Innovation Framework: Incubation of Ideas

Version 1 Prepared by the SPN Research and Innovation Subcommittee of the Steering Committee Document Lead: Sophia Lafferty-Hess, last updated May 13, 2020 Purpose This document outlines (potential) methods and modes of communication for the incubation of ideas within (and …Continue SPN Research & Innovation Framework: Incubation of Ideas

Policies, Publications, Resources,

SPN Research & Innovation Framework: Overview

Version 1 Prepared by the SPN Research and Innovation Subcommittee of the Steering Committee Document Lead: Dianne Dietrich, last updated May 13, 2020 Purpose The Research and Innovation Framework connects the components of research and innovation activities within SPN as …Continue SPN Research & Innovation Framework: Overview

Policies, Publications, Resources, ,

Law & Policy Working Group Scope and Action Plan

Scope: The Software Preservation Network endeavors to ensure that cultural memory institutions and related entities can exercise broad and clear legal rights to engage in software preservation (including providing access for research, teaching, and learning). We do this in two …Continue Law & Policy Working Group Scope and Action Plan

Publications, Resources

Law & Policy Working Group Scope and Action Plan

Scope: The Software Preservation Network endeavors to ensure that cultural memory institutions and related entities can exercise broad and clear legal rights to engage in software preservation (including providing access for research, teaching, and learning). We do this in two …Continue Law & Policy Working Group Scope and Action Plan

Publications, Resources

Training & Education Working Group Scope and Action Plan

Scope: The Training & Education Committee develops resources and hosts outreach activities that raise awareness and broaden participation in software preservation. Training & Education plays an important translation role — sharing the findings and deliverables of SPN working groups and …Continue Training & Education Working Group Scope and Action Plan

Publications, Resources

Research-in-Practice Working Group Scope and Action Plan

Scope: In support of the Software Preservation Network’s (SPN) mission to preserve software through community engagement, infrastructure support, and knowledge generation, the Research Working Group facilitates research projects that bring individuals and organizations with diverse perspectives and interests together to …Continue Research-in-Practice Working Group Scope and Action Plan

Publications, Resources

Technological Infrastructure Working Group Scope and Action Plan

Scope: The Technical Infrastructure Working Group is responsible for understanding, comparing and articulating the infrastructural implications of different software preservation and access approaches. This charge may include specifications for computing configurations needed to run common packages used in the preservation …Continue Technological Infrastructure Working Group Scope and Action Plan

Publications, Resources

Metadata Working Group Scope and Action Plan

Scope: The Metadata Standards and Policies working group is responsible for developing, promoting and advocating for common metadata frameworks and related metadata standards, vocabularies, and ontologies that support software preservation and access.  This working group will collect and analyze existing …Continue Metadata Working Group Scope and Action Plan

Publications, Resources

SPN Law & Policy Agenda

Goals The Software Preservation Network endeavors to ensure that cultural memory institutions and related entities can exercise broad and clear legal rights to engage in software preservation (including providing access for research, teaching, and learning). We do this in two …Continue SPN Law & Policy Agenda

Publications, Resources, ,

Software Preservation Network project grant application

Software Preservation Network project grant application to the Institute of Museum and Library Services’ National Leadership Grants for Libraries programv

Publications, Resources

Software Preservation Bibliography

Software Preservation Bibliography” by Software Preservation Network’s Training & Education Working Group, January 14, 2020.The Software Preservation Bibliography is a living, curated Zotero library of resources, tools, organizations, and research related to software preservation. 

Publications, Resources

Software preservationists look ahead to enterprise focus

Software preservationists look ahead to enterprise focus, by Evan Koblentz, TechRepublic, April 17, 2017

Publications, Resources

Software Preservation Network Series: Overview

+ Software Preservation Network Series, BLOGGERS! The Blog of SAA’s Electronic Record Section – Overview – Legal and Policy Aspects of Software Preservation – Collecting, Processing, and Providing Access to Software – Prospects in Software Preservation Partnerships – Community Roadmapping for Moving Forward

Publications, Resources

Intellectual Property Rights Issues for Software Emulation

Intellectual Property Rights Issues for Software Emulation: An Interview with Euan Cochrane, Zach Vowell, and Jessica Meyerson, by Erin Engle, The Signal, January 22, 2016

Publications, Resources

Software Preservation Networks: A Model for Perpetual Access to Proprietary File Formats

“Software Preservation Networks: A Model for Perpetual Access to Proprietary File Formats”, Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.

Publications, Resources

Exploring Curation-ready Software:Improving Curation-readiness

This is the second report of the Software Preservation Network Curation-ready Software Working Group. Seven use cases of software preservation are presented in detail

Publications, Resources

Exploring Curation-ready Software: Use Cases

This is the first progress report of the Software Preservation Network Curation-ready Software Working Group.

Publications, Resources
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