FCoP Teaching Case Study Template

Name of Case Study Catchy, fun, piques the reader’s interest Open question: does it include the software/hardware emulated? Unit + Institution’s name Team or unit that lead the emulation program and the institution where the team is located. Unit members …Continue FCoP Teaching Case Study Template

FCoP, Research, Resources, Templates

A Guide to FCoP Documentation

FCoP, Guides

Case Study 2 — Atari 2600 Game Hacks

FCoP, Reports, Research, ,

Living Computers: Scenarios for Use and Access

This completed worksheet describes the Living Computers: Museum + Labs’ scope and outcomes for their Collections and Software Inventory. Information gathered during this exercise includes: Data sources referenced or searched to complete the inventory Difficulties encountered while attempting to locate …Continue Living Computers: Scenarios for Use and Access

All-Cohort Exercises, FCoP, Resources,

Living Computers: Software Collection Inventory Spreadsheet

This spreadsheet catalogs Living Computers: Museum + Labs’ the software and software-dependent items included in their Collections and Software Inventory. Information gathered during this exercise includes: Collection Name or Nickname Physical Location or Metadata Record URL Software Name Software Type …Continue Living Computers: Software Collection Inventory Spreadsheet

All-Cohort Exercises, FCoP, Resources,

Living Computers: Software Collection Inventory Worksheet

This completed worksheet describes the Living Computers: Museum + Labs’ scope and outcomes for their Collections and Software Inventory. Information gathered during this exercise includes: Data sources referenced or searched to complete the inventory Difficulties encountered while attempting to locate …Continue Living Computers: Software Collection Inventory Worksheet

All-Cohort Exercises, FCoP, Resources,

Guggenheim Museum: Software Collection Inventory Spreadsheet

This spreadsheet catalogs Guggenheim Museum’s the software and software-dependent items included in their Collections and Software Inventory. Information gathered during this exercise includes: Collection Name or Nickname Physical Location or Metadata Record URL Software Name Software Type Importance to Your …Continue Guggenheim Museum: Software Collection Inventory Spreadsheet

All-Cohort Exercises, FCoP, Resources,

Guggenheim Museum: Software Collection Inventory Worksheet

This completed worksheet describes the Guggenheim Museum’s scope and outcomes for their Collections and Software Inventory. Information gathered during this exercise includes: Data sources referenced or searched to complete the inventory Difficulties encountered while attempting to locate software that staff …Continue Guggenheim Museum: Software Collection Inventory Worksheet

All-Cohort Exercises, FCoP, Resources,

Guggenheim Museum: Scenarios for Use and Access

This completed worksheet describes the Guggenheim Museum’s scope and outcomes for their Collections and Software Inventory. Information gathered during this exercise includes: Data sources referenced or searched to complete the inventory Difficulties encountered while attempting to locate software that staff …Continue Guggenheim Museum: Scenarios for Use and Access

All-Cohort Exercises, FCoP, Resources,

FCoP 2020 Cohort Reflections: University of Virginia

The University of Virginia Library was interested in the Fostering a Community of Practice grant from the Software Preservation Network as a way to further develop and test our born digital archiving and preservation workflows for software and software-dependent digital …Continue FCoP 2020 Cohort Reflections: University of Virginia

Cohort Reflections, FCoP, News,

Fostering a Community of Practice at the University of Virginia Library: Final Report

This report summarizes the University of Virginia FCoP project, its outcomes and community building activities, and a set of next steps.

FCoP, Reports, Resources,

University of Virginia: Scenarios for Use and Access

This completed worksheet describes the University of Virginia’s scope and outcomes for their Collections and Software Inventory. Information gathered during this exercise includes: Data sources referenced or searched to complete the inventory Difficulties encountered while attempting to locate software that …Continue University of Virginia: Scenarios for Use and Access

All-Cohort Exercises, FCoP, Resources,

University of Virginia: SAA 2019 Multithreading Software Preservation and Emulation Workshop Notes

Shared meeting notes from a workshop on Multithreading Software Preservation and Emulation presented at the 2019 Society of American Archivists conference.

Conferences & Presentations, FCoP, Resources, ,

University of Virginia: SAA 2019 Presentation Slide Deck Slide Deck

Slide deck from a collaborative presentation (with University of Illinois) presented at the 2019 Society of American Archivists conference.

Conferences & Presentations, FCoP, Resources, ,

University of Virginia: World Digital Preservation Day 2019 Presentation Slide Deck

Slide deck for a talk about software preservation, presented by the UVA team at the World Digital Preservation Day events held at the University of Virginia in November 2019.

Conferences & Presentations, FCoP, Resources, ,

University of Virginia: EaaSI Metadata Model V5

This spreadsheet lists out the types and categories of metadata collected by UVA about different kinds of digital and software object, for use with EaaSI. The spreadsheet includes an individual tab for each category object, from software product to device …Continue University of Virginia: EaaSI Metadata Model V5

FCoP, Resources, Workflow Documentation,

University of Virginia: Archival Description Strategies for Emulated Software_V1.0

This document is intended to specifically address description strategies related to born digital content dependent on software for access in the Sheeran Architects Records, as well as the description of the software itself.

FCoP, Resources, Workflow Documentation,

University of Virginia: Digital Donor Checklist_V0.4

This questionnaire and check list is designed to help collect information from donors about collections that are being acquired, especially when the collections contain born digital or software objects.

FCoP, Resources, Workflow Documentation, ,

University of Virginia: Systems and Metadata Diagram

This diagram shows the relationships between different systems and repositories in UVA’s systems and metadata workflow.

FCoP, Resources, Workflow Documentation,

University of Virginia: Software Questionnaire V1.0

​This questionnaire document is designed to help gather information from donors and others about the context and content of work. It is meant for collections that have been flagged as potentially having software or software dependent material in need of …Continue University of Virginia: Software Questionnaire V1.0

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