FCoP Teaching Case Study Template
Name of Case Study Catchy, fun, piques the reader’s interest Open question: does it include the software/hardware emulated? Unit + Institution’s name Team or unit that lead the emulation program and the institution where the team is located. Unit members …Continue FCoP Teaching Case Study Template
FCoP, Research, Resources, Templates

In-Person Meeting Exercises
EaaSI Node Leads convened in November 2018 to review the EaaSI beta implementation process, discuss service design for emulation in local organizational contexts, prioritize project activities and review the Participation Agreement drafted in partnership with the Harvard Law School Cyberlaw …Continue In-Person Meeting Exercises
Resources, Templates

Software Collections Inventory
EaaSI Software Collections Inventory is what is sometimes referred to as a Random (or spot) inventory. Random (or spot) inventories are extremely limited in scope. They are primarily used to verify the location of a representative sampling of objects. They …Continue Software Collections Inventory
Resources, Templates

Scenarios for (Re)Use & Access
EaaSI Scenarios for Use & Access asks each Node Host to brainstorm scenarios for use and access they believe will drive the adoption of EaaSI; identify users whose use cases they believe may correspond with the scenarios for use and …Continue Scenarios for (Re)Use & Access
Resources, Templates

Semi-Structured Interviews
EaaSI Scenarios for Use & Access asks each Node Host to brainstorm scenarios for use and access they believe will drive the adoption of EaaSI; identify users whose use cases they believe may correspond with the scenarios for use and …Continue Semi-Structured Interviews
Resources, Templates

In-Person Kickoff Exercises
FCoP Project Leads assembled at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA in August 2018. The 2-day In-Person Kick-Off Meeting was an opportunity for cohort members to examine their software preservation projects through the lens of metadata, existing digital curation …Continue In-Person Kickoff Exercises
Resources, Templates

Exploring our Emulation Environment
The purpose of the “Exploring our Emulation Environment” exercise is to unpack and reflect on the range of curatorial decisionmaking required to configure an emulation environment. Participants are asked to consider metadata and technical challenges, as well as, use cases …Continue Exploring our Emulation Environment
Resources, Templates

Soup to Nuts: Simulating Software
The purpose of the Soup to Nuts exercise is to revisit your Software & Collection Inventory and Scenarios for Use & Access to determine if those software cases/examples are still the cases/examples that you want to configure and test in …Continue Soup to Nuts: Simulating Software
Resources, Templates

Prioritizing Software
This purpose of Prioritizing Software is to expose Node Hosts to National Software Reference Library software categories and their contribution to the EaaSI seed library; to provide an overview of the EaaSI software configuration workflow; and to connect the software …Continue Prioritizing Software
Resources, Templates

Prioritizing Features
This purpose of Prioritizing Features is to encourage Node Hosts to articulate and prioritize possible features for each feature category of the EaaSI system including Search/Discovery Resource Import Environment Configuration Metadata/Description User Management User Interface Network Capabilities Data Management Access …Continue Prioritizing Features
Resources, Templates

Envisioning Local Services
This purpose of the Envisioning Local Services exercise is to help your organization consider the specifics of the local service environment and create a list of short, medium and long-term goals that will help to bring software preservation and emulation …Continue Envisioning Local Services
Resources, Templates

Six Month Software Curation Plan
The purpose of this session is to develop a clearer sense of the project-specific and cohort goals over the next six months.
Resources, Templates

Scenarios for Use & Access
The purpose of the Scenarios for Use and Access exercise is to articulate potential software (re)use and access scenarios, and to inform/verify your assumptions regarding (re)use and access scenarios by observing an end user.
Resources, Templates

Baseline Cost Measurement
This purpose of the baseline cost calculator is to capture as much granular information about the costs of software preservation in different organizational contexts as possible – inlcuding start-up costs. We understand that every organization will vary in terms of …Continue Baseline Cost Measurement