The first goal of this activity is to brainstorm and articulate 2-3 internal advocacy activities that increase organizational readiness for and participation in software collection, curation, preservation and emulation activities.
The second goal of this activity is to brainstorm and articulate 2-3 outreach activities that can be pursued as part of an external outreach plan to help grow the broader community of practice for software preservation and emulation outside of your core team or department.
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NOTE: This exercise can be done with a group synchronously in-person or virtually mediated. If you decide to facilitate this exercise with a group synchronously, consider the time breakdown provided below.
- 10min Brainstorm and jot down their programmatic goals in relation to software collection, curation, preservation and emulation activities
- 5min Cluster the programmatic goals into groupings if possible
- 15min Look at the goals or groupings of goals collectively through a metadata frame and brainstorm elements
- 10min Annotate your responses to Step 3 with possible policy or workflow changes implicated by your responses from Step 3
- 20min short-medium-longterm actions
- 20min Annotate your short-medium-longterm actions
If you decide to facilitate this exercise with a group asynchronously, consider the following timeline:
- (One week) Steps 1-3
- Synchronous call or in-person discussion based on the results of asynchronous work.
- (One week) Steps 4-5
- Synchronous call or in-person discussion based on the results of asynchronous work and with the intention of completing Step 6
- Brainstorm and jot down their programmatic goals in relation to software collection, curation, preservation and emulation activities
- Ex. Determine evolving best practices in the field for archival description of software.
- Ex. Understand the software dependencies for the software and software-dependent materials in our collection; understand which organizations may already have some of the necessary software dependencies
- Ex. Document provenance and authenticity, legal/copyright, and contextual/donor info about software and software-dependent materials.
- Cluster the programmatic goals into groupings if possible
- Look at the goals or groupings of goals collectively through a metadata frame – brainstorm metadata elements and considerations that address each programmatic grouping
- Ex. Create metadata for software at Institution 1 that fits with evolving best practices in the field, and also maps to archival description practices. This structured metadata should reflect current use cases with proprietary software, as well as build in future fields/scenarios that may include unique software development from the institution.
- Ex. Create metadata that will allow for authentication and unique identification that will allow for actions like the checking of duplicates, checking of software at other institutions, yield technical data that will allow for identifying dependencies at they may exist
- Ex. Create structured metadata (based on review of existing schema, such as PREMIS) that will allow for the capture of important archival concepts such as provenance and authenticity, legal/copyright, and contextual/donor info into structure.
- Annotate your responses to Step 3 with possible policy or workflow changes implicated by your responses from Step 3
- Using the goals from Step 3 and the implications in Step 4, identify short, medium, and long term metadata actions. Think of actions as the steps required to complete your goals and address the implications of those goals.
- Ex.
- Ex.
- Ex.
- Annotate your short, medium, and long term actions from Step 4 with the following information:
- Who needs to be involved?
- Does this action depend on the completion of other metadata actions? If so, which ones?
- What is a feasible deadline for this metadata action?
- Which programmatic goal does this action pertain to?