FCoP Teaching Case Study Template
Name of Case Study Catchy, fun, piques the reader’s interest Open question: does it include the software/hardware emulated? Unit + Institution’s name Team or unit that lead the emulation program and the institution where the team is located. Unit members …Continue FCoP Teaching Case Study Template
FCoP, Research, Resources, Templates
University of Virginia: SAA 2019 Multithreading Software Preservation and Emulation Workshop Notes
Shared meeting notes from a workshop on Multithreading Software Preservation and Emulation presented at the 2019 Society of American Archivists conference.
Conferences & Presentations, FCoP, Resources
University of Virginia: SAA 2019 Presentation Slide Deck Slide Deck
Slide deck from a collaborative presentation (with University of Illinois) presented at the 2019 Society of American Archivists conference.
Conferences & Presentations, FCoP, Resources
University of Virginia: World Digital Preservation Day 2019 Presentation Slide Deck
Slide deck for a talk about software preservation, presented by the UVA team at the World Digital Preservation Day events held at the University of Virginia in November 2019.
Conferences & Presentations, FCoP, Resources
University of Virginia: Digital Donor Checklist_V0.4
This questionnaire and check list is designed to help collect information from donors about collections that are being acquired, especially when the collections contain born digital or software objects.
FCoP, Resources, Workflow Documentation
University of Virginia: Software Questionnaire V1.0
This questionnaire document is designed to help gather information from donors and others about the context and content of work. It is meant for collections that have been flagged as potentially having software or software dependent material in need of …Continue University of Virginia: Software Questionnaire V1.0
FCoP, Resources, Workflow Documentation
Georgia Tech: Kickoff Meeting Lightning Talk
Slide deck from the FCoP 2018 Project Kick-off Meeting at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California.
Conferences & Presentations, FCoP, Resources
Georgia Tech: Software Emulation Inclusion Criteria Checklist
This checklist to help the project team identify which pieces of software they want to include in their pilot project.
FCoP, Resources, Workflow Documentation
University of Illinois Code4Lib 2019 Slide Deck
Slide deck from the FCoP cohort’s presentation “Cohort4Lib” at the 2020 Code4Lib conference.
Conferences & Presentations, FCoP, Resources
University of Illinois Preservation Week Presentation Notes
Presentation notes for talk given about local involvement in and advocacy for FCoP and EaaSI as part of Preservation Week events.
Conferences & Presentations, FCoP, Resources
University of Illinois Preservation Week Slide Deck
Slide deck for talk given about local involvement in and advocacy for FCoP and EaaSI as part of Preservation Week events.
Conferences & Presentations, FCoP, Resources
University of Illinois Data Interest Group Presentation Notes
Presentation notes for talk given at the University of Illinois Data Interest Group about local involvement in and advocacy for FCoP and EaaSI.
Conferences & Presentations, FCoP, Resources
University of Illinois Data Interest Group Presentation Slide Deck
Slide deck for talk given at the University of Illinois Data Interest Group about local involvement in and advocacy for FCoP and EaaSI.
Conferences & Presentations, FCoP, Resources
University of Illinois & University of Virginia SAA 2019 Presentation Notes
Notes from a collaborative presentation (with University of Virginia) presented at the 2019 Society of American Archivists conference.
Conferences & Presentations, FCoP, Resources
University of Illinois & University of Virginia SAA 2019 Presentation Slide Deck
Slide deck from a collaborative presentation (with University of Virginia) presented at the 2019 Society of American Archivists conference.
Conferences & Presentations, FCoP, Resources
University of Illinois Software Install Workflow Template
This fillable spreadsheet assists end-users in planning and documenting an install workflow.
FCoP, Resources, Workflow Documentation
Summer 2020 Quarterly Community Forum
Featuring: Virtual roundtable introducing the work of Fostering Communities of Practice (FCoP) cohort members and research themes from FCoP Project Researcher Brief overview of the FCoP project outcomes Brief summary of research findings Roundtable discussion with FCoP cohort members facilitated …Continue Summer 2020 Quarterly Community Forum