Name of Case Study

Catchy, fun, piques the reader’s interest

Open question: does it include the software/hardware emulated?

Unit + Institution’s name

Team or unit that lead the emulation program and the institution where the team is located.

Unit members

How many people are on this emulation team and what are their roles? If there is only one member on the team (“a lone arranger”) who do they report to and what is their role’s responsibility in their preservation unit?

The problem 

What is being emulated and why? Quick and pithy, with users or access goals spotlighted.

Tool chain/things you need to solve this problem

What were the layers of software, hardware, and people resources needed to accomplish this goal?

Recipe steps {needs a new phrase}

How did the team emulate and solve this access problem? How long did the project take from beginning to end? How are you repeating or continuing this work?

Overcoming roadblocks

What were some issues that the team encountered during their emulation project? How did they overcome, adapt, or fix them? What kinds of institutional, technical, human resources were deployed to overcome these roadblocks?

Where the emulation lives

Citation or links to follow up resources.

For the Educator

Terms to Introduce

Keywords used in the case study that should be explained before reading about the project and that appear in Glossary

Learning Goal.

{Solving a Problem}

{Analyzing the results}

{Introducing a tool or workflow}

Discussion questions/Share-back prompts

{2-3 specific questions that gets learners to analyze and evaluate the project, considering how they would implement a similar preservation project}

Additional URLS/Resources to the project


Preferred citation:

Acker, Amelia. (2020, June 29). FCoP Teaching Case Study Template. Software Preservation Network.