University of Virginia: Keeping Software Present with Emulation in the Archives It’s been a few months since my last fieldwork visit for the FCoP project! In August, I was hosted by cohort team member Lauren Work at the UVA Library. …Continue Field Report #5: University of Virginia →
retroTECH is a service and a lab space in the Georgia Tech Library. Our mission is to inspire a culture of long-term thinking, hands-on access to technological heritage, and individual agency over personal histories, archives, and data. It’s also a …Continue FCoP 2019 Cohort Reflections: Georgia Tech →
Staff from the University Library at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign joined the “Fostering a Community of Practice: Software Preservation” cohort for the opportunity to focus on continued development on preservation of and access to born digital collections held in …Continue FCoP 2019 Cohort Reflections: University of Illinois →