Monthly Archives: November 2018

Prioritizing Software

This purpose of Prioritizing Software is to expose Node Hosts to National Software Reference Library software categories and their contribution to the EaaSI seed library; to provide an overview of the EaaSI software configuration workflow; and to connect the software …Continue Prioritizing Software

Resources, Templates

Prioritizing Features

This purpose of Prioritizing Features is to encourage Node Hosts to articulate and prioritize possible features for each feature category of the EaaSI system including Search/Discovery Resource Import Environment Configuration Metadata/Description User Management User Interface Network Capabilities Data Management Access …Continue Prioritizing Features

Resources, Templates

Envisioning Local Services

This purpose of the Envisioning Local Services exercise is to help your organization consider the specifics of the local service environment and create a list of short, medium and long-term goals that will help to bring software preservation and emulation …Continue Envisioning Local Services

Resources, Templates