Monthly Archives: December 2020

Closing out 2020 and Looking Ahead to 2021: Updates from SPN’s Community Coordinator

If there’s one thing SPN should be known for after 2020, it’s for making a plan and sticking to it.  When we started out on the journey to secure SPN as a sustainable, community-led organization with strong backbone support and …Continue Closing out 2020 and Looking Ahead to 2021: Updates from SPN’s Community Coordinator

News, Staff Updates

October-November 2020: DMCA Rulemaking, DMCA Reform

The Software Preservation Network is pleased to share updates on the status of our work on the DMCA triennial rulemaking and on reform to the DMCA more generally. The DMCA rulemaking process unfolds every three years, and we successfully petitioned …Continue October-November 2020: DMCA Rulemaking, DMCA Reform

Law Posts, News

EaaSI Update October – November 2020

EaaSI Virtual Conference Appearances #WeMissiPRES (International Conference on Digital Preservation) Kat Thornton and our collaborator Ross Spencer presented “Siegfried and Wikidata, together at last!” at the #WeMissiPRES virtual event, a lightning talk on their efforts to integrate a Wikidata harvester …Continue EaaSI Update October – November 2020

News, Project Updates