User Documentation

EaaSI User Handbook

The EaaSI User Handbook covers all official documentation related to deploying and using the EaaSI platform. including system requirements, explanation of menus and interfaces, example workflows, a Glossary and FAQ, and more. It should be the first stop for anyone interested in learning what the EaaSI platform looks like and its current functionality.

(All EaaSI platform code is also open source and hosted on GitLab)

EaaSI Community Forum

The EaaSI team also maintains the Community Forum, a hosted Discourse forum for more conversational, direct support and as a public bug tracker. While EaaSI Network node representatives will be added to private sub-categories for Network-only communications, ALL users and on-lookers are welcome to register for an account to discuss and ask questions about the EaaSI program of work, emulation and software preservation, and more.

If looking to file a specific bug report or problem with the EaaSI platform itself, please open a topic in the Support Center on the EaaSI Community Forum and the EaaSI team will respond as soon as able.


EaaSI Roundtable #1 (2021): “What We Talk About When We Talk About Emulation”

Summary: “What We Talk About When We Talk About Emulation” is a roundtable discussion featuring Eric Kaltman (California State University Channel Islands), Tracy Popp (University of Illinois), and Fernando Rios (University of Arizona) as guest speakers. You can read more …Continue EaaSI Roundtable #1 (2021): “What We Talk About When We Talk About Emulation”

Resources, Webinars

Software Preservation and Emulation @ Stanford: A Symposium

Every day we all make choices about our individual digital legacies through what we create, keep, and share. Software mediates all of those activities. The 2020 Software Preservation and Emulation Symposium provided an opportunity to discuss our dependence on software …Continue Software Preservation and Emulation @ Stanford: A Symposium

Resources, Webinars,

Emulators and Configuration Workflows

Summary: This webinar, the last in the EaaSI Webinar Series, is entitled “Emulators and Configuration Workflows” and addresses questions such as: What is your previous experience in using emulation software? Were there any emulation programs already incorporated into your institutional workflows? …Continue Emulators and Configuration Workflows

Resources, Webinars

EaaSI Metadata Model and Wikidata

This webinar, entitled “EaaSI Metadata Model and Wikidata,” addresses questions such as: How does your organization create, manage or discover metadata about software and related resources now? What would you like to be able to do with software metadata? Do …Continue EaaSI Metadata Model and Wikidata

Resources, Webinars

Why EaaSI? System Overview

Summary: This webinar, entitled “Why EaaSI? System Overview,” addresses questions such as: What problem is EaaSI trying to solve? What are EaaSI core functions and underlying design concepts? Why are approaching it this way? How is EaaSI different from EaaS? …Continue Why EaaSI? System Overview

Resources, Webinars

Legal and Institutional Policy Frameworks

Summary: This webinar, entitled “Legal and Institutional Policy Frameworks,” addresses questions such as: When you don’t collect software as an object, why do you do it? What role(s) does/do software play in your organizations and their long-term collection and preservation …Continue Legal and Institutional Policy Frameworks

Resources, Webinars


In-Person Meeting Exercises

EaaSI Node Leads convened in November 2018 to review the EaaSI beta implementation process, discuss service design for emulation in local organizational contexts, prioritize project activities and review the Participation Agreement drafted in partnership with the Harvard Law School Cyberlaw …Continue In-Person Meeting Exercises

Resources, Templates

Software Collections Inventory

EaaSI Software Collections Inventory is what is sometimes referred to as a Random (or spot) inventory. Random (or spot) inventories are extremely limited in scope. They are primarily used to verify the location of a representative sampling of objects. They …Continue Software Collections Inventory

Resources, Templates

Scenarios for (Re)Use & Access

EaaSI Scenarios for Use & Access asks each Node Host to brainstorm scenarios for use and access they believe will drive the adoption of EaaSI; identify users whose use cases they believe may correspond with the scenarios for use and …Continue Scenarios for (Re)Use & Access

Resources, Templates

Semi-Structured Interviews

EaaSI Scenarios for Use & Access asks each Node Host to brainstorm scenarios for use and access they believe will drive the adoption of EaaSI; identify users whose use cases they believe may correspond with the scenarios for use and …Continue Semi-Structured Interviews

Resources, Templates

Exploring our Emulation Environment

The purpose of the “Exploring our Emulation Environment” exercise is to unpack and reflect on the range of curatorial decisionmaking required to configure an emulation environment. Participants are asked to consider metadata and technical challenges, as well as, use cases …Continue Exploring our Emulation Environment

Resources, Templates,

Soup to Nuts: Simulating Software

The purpose of the Soup to Nuts exercise is to revisit your Software & Collection Inventory and Scenarios for Use & Access to determine if those software cases/examples are still the cases/examples that you want to configure and test in …Continue Soup to Nuts: Simulating Software

Resources, Templates

Prioritizing Software

This purpose of Prioritizing Software is to expose Node Hosts to National Software Reference Library software categories and their contribution to the EaaSI seed library; to provide an overview of the EaaSI software configuration workflow; and to connect the software …Continue Prioritizing Software

Resources, Templates

Prioritizing Features

This purpose of Prioritizing Features is to encourage Node Hosts to articulate and prioritize possible features for each feature category of the EaaSI system including Search/Discovery Resource Import Environment Configuration Metadata/Description User Management User Interface Network Capabilities Data Management Access …Continue Prioritizing Features

Resources, Templates

Envisioning Local Services

This purpose of the Envisioning Local Services exercise is to help your organization consider the specifics of the local service environment and create a list of short, medium and long-term goals that will help to bring software preservation and emulation …Continue Envisioning Local Services

Resources, Templates

Baseline Cost Measurement

This purpose of the baseline cost calculator is to capture as much granular information about the costs of software preservation in different organizational contexts as possible – inlcuding start-up costs. We understand that every organization will vary in terms of …Continue Baseline Cost Measurement

Resources, Templates

Training Modules

EaaSI Training Module #8: Beyond the PC – Emulating Closed Systems

Intro to Beyond the PC – Emulating Closed Systems: During this module, participants will learn about: What is a “closed system”, and how does it differ from an “open system”? What’s a “ROM” file? What factors limit the capabilities of …Continue EaaSI Training Module #8: Beyond the PC – Emulating Closed Systems

Resources, ,

EaaSI Training Module #7: Implementing Metadata Standards

Intro to Implementing Metadata Standards: During this module, participants will learn about: What kind of metadata does EaaSI (the program of work) gather? What metadata has been directly incorporated into the EaaSI platform? Which standards are influencing EaaSI system design? …Continue EaaSI Training Module #7: Implementing Metadata Standards

Resources, ,

EaaSI Training Module #6: Building an EaaSI Network

Intro to Building an EaaSI Network: During this module, participants will learn about: What are EaaSI “nodes” and how do they communicate with each other? What is OAI-PMH? What happens when I “publish” an EaaSI resource? Questions for Discussion/Reflection In …Continue EaaSI Training Module #6: Building an EaaSI Network

Resources, ,

EaaSI Training Module #5: Disk Images

Intro to Disk Images: During this module, participants will learn about: What is a disk image? How do disk images relate to Software, Content, and Environment resources in EaaSI? What is the advantage of copy-on-write disk images? Questions for Discussion/Reflection …Continue EaaSI Training Module #5: Disk Images

Resources, ,

EaaSI Training Module #4: Emulation, Virtualization, Containerization

Intro to Emulation, Virtualization, Containerization: During this module, participants will learn about: What is the difference between emulation, virtualization, and containerization? Why does the difference matter for long-term preservation? How, why, and when does the EaaSI platform make use of …Continue EaaSI Training Module #4: Emulation, Virtualization, Containerization

Resources, ,

EaaSI Training Module #3: EaaS|EaaSI Stack

Intro to the EaaS|EaaS Software Stack: During this module, participants will learn about: What are the essential components of the Emulation-as-a-Service (EaaS) stack? How does the EaaSI platform build on EaaS? Where are EaaSI resources (Environments, Software, Content) stored relative …Continue EaaSI Training Module #3: EaaS|EaaSI Stack

Resources, ,

EaaSI Training Module #2: Software and Content

Intro to Software and Content Resources: During this module, participants will learn: What is the difference between Software and Content resources? How (and why) does the EaaSI platform treat them differently? Questions for Discussion/Reflection Pick a file in your Downloads …Continue EaaSI Training Module #2: Software and Content

Resources, ,

EaaSI Training Module #1: Emulation Environments

Intro to Emulation Environments During this module, participants will learn about: Why does the EaaSI team refer to emulation and computing “environments”? What is an EaaSI “Environment” resource? What sort of details do we need to describe and maintain environments? …Continue EaaSI Training Module #1: Emulation Environments

Resources, ,


Towards a Universal Virtual Interactor (UVI) for Digital Objects

Presentation given at iPRES 2019  

Presentations, Resources

Participatory Design for Software Preservation and Emulation Services

Presentation given at the International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPRES) 2018

Presentations, Resources

Complex Data Sets, Software Preservation, and Emulation: A distributed approach to long-term care

Presentation given at Research Data Archiving & Preservation (RDAP) Summit 2018

Presentations, Resources

Investigating Emulation as a Service for Reproducible Research at Yale

Presentation given at the 2020 Librarians Building Momentum for Reproducible Research virtual conference.    

Presentations, Resources

An Introduction to Emulation

Presentation at the NYU Institute for Fine Arts’ workshop “Digital Preservation: Caring for Digital Art Objects.”    

Presentations, Resources

Software Curation: Intersection of Policy and Practice

Panel presentation at Maintainers III in Washington, D.C. in October 2019 featuring perspectives on the materials that have to be maintained around the software in order to make the software meaningful including: research data curation librarian, service provider, legal expert, …Continue Software Curation: Intersection of Policy and Practice

Presentations, Resources

Participatory Design for Long-term Access: User Research, Software Preservation, and Emulation

EaaSI presentation given at Open Repositories in Hamburg, Germany in June 2019

Presentations, Resources

Software Curation: An Ecosystem of Users, Tools, and Services

Panel presentation at PASIG in Mexico City, Mexico in February 2019 featuring perspectives from different niches in the software curation ecosystem including: software sustinability trainer, software preservation and emulation infrastructure providers, a disciplinary liasion, and a legal expert.

Presentations, Resources

Scaling Software Preservation & Emulation Services

EaaSI presentation at Digital Library Forum in Las Vegas, Nevada in October 2018.

Presentations, Resources

Participatory Design for Software Preservation and Emulation Services

EaaSI presentation given at International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPRES) in Boston, Massachusetts in September 2018

Presentations, Resources

Complex Data Sets, Software Preservation and Emulation: A distributed approach to long-term care

EaaSI presentation at Research Data Archiving & Preservation Summit in Chicago, Ilinois in March 2018

Presentations, Resources


Software Preservation and Emulation @ Stanford: A Symposium

Every day we all make choices about our individual digital legacies through what we create, keep, and share. Software mediates all of those activities. The 2020 Software Preservation and Emulation Symposium provided an opportunity to discuss our dependence on software …Continue Software Preservation and Emulation @ Stanford: A Symposium

Resources, Webinars,