- Software Heritage Acquisition Process (based on work with the University of Pisa)
- “Experimental Archaeology of CAD” – Legacy Software and Emulation in the Classroom
- Silicon Valley Archives
- GitHub Arctic Archive
Review notes for the Winter 2019 QCF
Jessica Meyerson (Educopia Institute)
- Morane Gruenpeter (Software Heritage)
- Zachary Furste (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Henry Lowood (Stanford University)
Supplementary materials:
- Software Heritage Acquisition Process
- https://www.softwareheritage.org/swhap/
- https://save.sofwtareheritage.org/https://github.com/SoftwareHeritage/swhapguide
- https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/subscribe/swhap
- Legacy Software and Emulation in the Classroom
- EaaSI: https://www.softwarepreservationnetwork.org/eaasi/
- Publicly available student emulation projects; see recording for walkthroughs of many of these:
- https://medium.com/@ulberge/detail-and-computational-aesthetics-an-analysis-of-vistapro-4-0-1999-c0c4b2372c03
- https://medium.com/@jprzybyl_35578/understanding-how-evolution-of-software-affects-design-a5454bb47fcf
- Silicon Valley Archives and GitHub Arctic Archive