
Unacceptable Loss: Video Game Preservation in Libraries and Archives

  Join Phil Salvador (Video Game History Foundation), Laine Nooney (NYU and Unboxing Pod) and Meredith Rose (Public Knowledge) to discuss the new report “Survey of the Video Game Reissue Market in the United States” on Tuesday, September 26th at …Continue Unacceptable Loss: Video Game Preservation in Libraries and Archives

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Video Game History Foundation and SPN release Survey of the Video Game Reissue Market in the United States

In partnership with the Video Game History Foundation, the Software Preservation Network is excited to share the first ever survey of the commercial availability of classic video games. Video games are part of our cultural history. But while the video …Continue Video Game History Foundation and SPN release Survey of the Video Game Reissue Market in the United States

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Join a Software Preservation Network Working Group!

It’s that time of year again! The Software Preservation Network (SPN) is looking for new members to join our working groups. Membership is open to anyone from a member organization with an interest in the working group’s goals. Folks interested …Continue Join a Software Preservation Network Working Group!

Events, News

SPN Joins Access to Knowledge Coalition Letter Supporting More Balanced Global Copyright System

Endorsed/Submitted/Signed February 1, 2023 The Software Preservation Network joined allies from the global Access to Knowledge Coalition in a letter stating our views on the agenda of the 43rd meeting of the World Intellectual Property Organization’s Standing Committee on Copyright …Continue SPN Joins Access to Knowledge Coalition Letter Supporting More Balanced Global Copyright System

Home, Law Posts, News, ,

Software Preservation Network 2023 Coordinating Committee Nominations

Software Preservation Network members will vote to fill open seats on our Coordinating Committee in 2023. Read more about these incredible software preservation practitioners, researchers, advocates, and all-around leaders below!   SPN and the Coordinating Committee The Software Preservation Network …Continue Software Preservation Network 2023 Coordinating Committee Nominations


Webinar: Copyright Guides for Software Preservation, 2022

The Law & Policy Working Group created two new resources for the SPN community in summer 2022, Section 108 and Software Collections: A User’s Guide and Section 30.1 and Software Collections: A User’s Guide. These guides explain how to provide …Continue Webinar: Copyright Guides for Software Preservation, 2022


Supporting Software Preservation Services in Research and Memory Organizations

Abstract Supporting Software Preservation Services in Research and Memory Organizations identifies concepts, skill sets, barriers, and future directions related to software preservation work. Although definitions of “software” can vary across preservation contexts, the study found that there appears to be …Continue Supporting Software Preservation Services in Research and Memory Organizations

Reports, Resources

Fall 2022 Community Forum

Building a Video Game Collection: Community Q&A The Software Preservation Network is building momentum in solidarity with several organizations and communities to win an improved exemption in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act for video games. Such an exemption would enable …Continue Fall 2022 Community Forum

Forums, Resources,

Software Preservation Community Forum (Fall 2022)

The Software Preservation Network’s Community Engagement Collaborative invites you to join us for the upcoming SPN Forum, “Building a Video Game Collection: Community Q&A!” The event will take place on Thursday, October, 20, 2022 at  12pm ET / 4pm UTC …Continue Software Preservation Community Forum (Fall 2022)


Copyright Guides for Software Collections Webinar (2022)


Section 108 and Software Collections: A User’s Guide

Abstract This user’s guide explains Section 108 of the U.S. Copyright Act in the context of software collections in libraries and archives. Like fair use, Section 108 of the U.S. Copyright Act provides important rights for libraries and archives engaged in …Continue Section 108 and Software Collections: A User’s Guide

Reports, Resources

Section 30.1 and Software Collections: A Users Guide

Abstract Like fair dealing (Section 29), Section 30.1 of the Copyright Act, known as the “Management and maintenance of collection” exception, places certain software preservation activities by libraries, archives, and museums (LAMs) outside the scope of copyright. Section 30.1 is …Continue Section 30.1 and Software Collections: A Users Guide

Reports, Resources
The strong national museum of play logo

The Strong National Museum of Play

Rochester, NY The Strong is a highly interactive, collections-based museum devoted to the history and exploration of play.

Current Members

SPN Code of Conduct

The goal of the Software Preservation Network (SPN) Code of Conduct is to help create an equitable community of practice. SPN acknowledges that the history of computing and technology has been exclusionary, elevated certain voices over others, and has perpetuated …Continue SPN Code of Conduct


Summer 2022 Community Forum

Building a Video Game Collection: Legal Considerations for Preservation The Software Preservation Network is building momentum in solidarity with several organizations and communities to win an improved exemption in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act for video games. Such an exemption …Continue Summer 2022 Community Forum

Forums, Resources,

Software Preservation Community Forum (Summer 2022)

The Software Preservation Network’s Community Engagement Collaborative invites you to join us for the upcoming SPN Forum, “Building a Video Game Collection – Legal Considerations for Preservation”! The event will take place on Thursday, June 16th, 2022 at  12pm ET …Continue Software Preservation Community Forum (Summer 2022)


Comments of the Software Preservation Network in re Small Claims Procedures for Library and Archives Opt-Outs and Class Actions

Comments of the Software Preservation Network in re Small Claims Procedures for Library and Archives Opt-Outs and Class Actions (1) October 4, 2021 Thank you for this opportunity to comment on the proposed regulations implementing 17 U.S.C. 1506(aa)(1), which directs …Continue Comments of the Software Preservation Network in re Small Claims Procedures for Library and Archives Opt-Outs and Class Actions

Briefs/Filings, Law Posts, News, Resources

Software Preservation Network 2022 Coordinating Committee Nominations

Software Preservation Network members will vote to fill open seats on our Coordinating Committee in 2022. Read more about these incredible software preservation practitioners, researchers, advocates, and all-around leaders below!   More about SPN and the Coordinating Committee The Software …Continue Software Preservation Network 2022 Coordinating Committee Nominations


SPN Amicus Brief Defends Fair Use in Apple v. Corellium case

On Wednesday, February 16, the Software Preservation Network filed an amicus brief in Apple v. Corellium, a pivotal copyright lawsuit currently on appeal in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta. Joining SPN on the brief were the Library …Continue SPN Amicus Brief Defends Fair Use in Apple v. Corellium case

Briefs/Filings, Law Posts, News, Reports, Resources,

Software Metadata Recommended Format Guide (SMRF)

Abstract The Software Metadata Recommended Format Guide (SMRF) summarizes and defines the metadata elements recommended by the Software Preservation Network to describe software materials in the context of a wide range of collections. It aims to be adaptable, so that …Continue Software Metadata Recommended Format Guide (SMRF)

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