This episode provides an overview of scholarly communication practices as they relate to software preservation and citation within contemporary scholarly research methods.  Attention is paid to evolving and changing practices in a variety of institutional settings (e.g. post-secondary institutions , GLAMs, nonprofits), and to the need for disciplinary responsiveness in publication and citation practices.

Discussion Questions:
  • Where (and when) can software preservation discussions enter into the research process? Especially in terms of disciplines such as the humanities where issues of software creation, preservation, and emulation are in the initial stages of development.
  • What role can training take in order to facilitate scholarly communication practices within and beyond institutional boundaries? E.g. outward facing blogs as well as internal communication re. Best practices, workflows etc.
  • What teams/groups should be involved in discussions of software in digital/scholarly communications?  How can SPN or other collectives work to build strong networks?
  • Where do you see software in digital/scholarly communications in the next 5 years? 10 years?


Supplementary materials:

Websites & Blogs

 Articles, Reports & Presentations

Preferred citation:

Software Preservation Network. Digital Preservation Coalition. (2018, May 16). Episode 4: Software in Digital/Scholarly Communications. Software Preservation Network.